
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fall Craft Day

The Fall Craft day became a day to craft whatever we were all working on. That's kind of the point of the craft day anyways...have time to craft and spend some time with the girls.

A painting I made with the lyrics of a song a friend wrote for him to encourage him. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring planting for a beginner

While I absolutely love looking at beautiful landscapes and gardens, I knew that my brown thumb was an inhibitor for me. Being the persistent person I am, I couldn't face not trying to do a garden or landscape myself, so I began planting. Once I realized I could keep plants alive, I tried to see how long and which ones.

When we bought a home last year, the side garden was a disaster. I tried to upkeep, but those darn weeds kept coming up. I HATE WEEDS!

I finally put my foot down and did something about it over the weekend. This particular area of my home only gets about 2-3 hours of sunlight, so I can't really do those beautiful flowers that need full sun. After visiting the local nursery, here's how I designed my garden and the progression in phases:

BEFORE (see what I mean?):

PHASE 1: Laying out the design for planting

PHASE 2: Planting 

PHASE 3: Add mulch and stepping stone and SMILE BIG because it's DONE!

What do you think? I'm really proud of this because this was my first gardening attempt =). Still a few things we need to add, but overall, I'm satisfied.

Next project: Square Foot Garden - already purchased the wood, soil and I come!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January Craft Day

Hosted the first Craft Day of the year! For this craft day we went for a Valentine's Day wreath, inspired of course by Pinterest. Some decided to work on other projects, which came out great, while two of us stuck to the theme. 

Always a good time to hang out and crafting happens to be a bonus =)